
[muh-noo-bree-uh m, -nyoo-] /məˈnu bri əm, -ˈnyu-/

noun, plural manubria
[muh-noo-bree-uh, -nyoo-] /məˈnu bri ə, -ˈnyu-/ (Show IPA), manubriums.
Anatomy, Zoology. a segment, bone, cell, etc., resembling a handle.
Also called presternum. Anatomy.

noun (pl) -bria (-brɪə), -briums
(anatomy) any handle-shaped part, esp the upper part of the sternum
(zoology) the tubular mouth that hangs down from the centre of a coelenterate medusa such as a jellyfish

“handle-like process,” 1848 in anatomy and zoology, from Latin manubrium “handle, hilt,” properly “that which is held in the hand,” from manus “hand” (see manual (adj.)).

manubrium ma·nu·bri·um (mə-nōō’brē-əm, -nyōō’-)
n. pl. ma·nu·bri·a (-brē-ə)

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