
[mas-ter-mahynd, mah-ster-] /ˈmæs tərˌmaɪnd, ˈmɑ stər-/

verb (used with object)
to plan and direct (a usually complex project or activity), especially skillfully:
Two colonels had masterminded the revolt.
a person who originates or is primarily responsible for the execution of a particular idea, project, or the like:
the masterminds of company policy.
(transitive) to plan and direct (a complex undertaking): he masterminded the robbery
a person of great intelligence or executive talent, esp one who directs an undertaking

1720, “an outstanding intellect,” from master (n.) + mind (n.). Meaning “head of a criminal enterprise” is first attested 1872. As a verb from 1940. Related: Masterminded; masterminding.

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