
[Sephardic Hebrew muh-khee-tsah; Ashkenazic Hebrew muh-khee-tsuh] /Sephardic Hebrew mə xiˈtsɑ; Ashkenazic Hebrew məˈxi tsə/

noun, plural mechitzoth, mechitzot, mechitzos
[Sephardic Hebrew muh-khee-tsawt; Ashkenazic Hebrew muh-khee-tsuh z, -khee-tsohs] /Sephardic Hebrew mə xiˈtsɔt; Ashkenazic Hebrew məˈxi tsəz, -ˈxi tsoʊs/ (Show IPA). Hebrew.
[Sephardic Hebrew muh-khee-tsah; Ashkenazic Hebrew muh-khee-tsuh] /Sephardic Hebrew mə xiˈtsɑ; Ashkenazic Hebrew məˈxi tsə/
noun, plural mehitzoth, mehitzot, mehitzos
[Sephardic Hebrew muh-khee-tsawt; Ashkenazic Hebrew muh-khee-tsuh z, -khee-tsohs] /Sephardic Hebrew mə xiˈtsɔt; Ashkenazic Hebrew məˈxi tsəz, -ˈxi tsoʊs/ (Show IPA). Hebrew.
a curtain or other divider that serves as a partition between the women’s and the men’s sections in Orthodox Jewish synagogues.

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