
[mon-uh-koh, muh-nah-koh; French maw-na-kaw; Italian maw-nah-kaw] /ˈmɒn əˌkoʊ, məˈnɑ koʊ; French mɔ naˈkɔ; Italian ˈmɔ nɑˌkɔ/

a principality on the Mediterranean coast, bordering SE France. ½ sq. mi. (1.3 sq. km).
the capital of this principality.
/ˈmɒnəˌkəʊ; məˈnɑːkəʊ; French mɔnako/
a principality in SW Europe, on the Mediterranean and forming an enclave in SE France: the second smallest sovereign state in the world (after the Vatican); consists of Monaco-Ville (the capital) on a rocky headland, La Condamine (a business area and port), Monte Carlo (the resort centre), and Fontvieille, a light industrial area. Language: French. Religion: Roman Catholic. Currency: euro. Pop: 30 500 (2013 est). Area: 189 hectares (476 acres) related adjective Monegasque
Monaco [(mon-uh-koh, muh-nah-koh)]

Constitutional monarchy on the French Riviera.

Note: Its casino at Monte Carlo, luxury hotels, and spectacular scenery make Monaco a popular resort.

Note: The American actress Grace Kelly married Monaco’s ruler, Prince Rainier III, in 1956. Princess Grace died in 1982.

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