
[joot] /dʒut/

a member of a continental Germanic tribe, probably from Jutland, that invaded Britain in the 5th century a.d. and settled in Kent.
either of two Old World tropical yellow-flowered herbaceous plants, Corchorus capsularis or C. olitorius, cultivated for their strong fibre: family Tiliaceae
this fibre, used in making sacks, rope, etc
a member of one of various Germanic tribes, some of whom invaded England in the 6th century ad, settling in Kent

plant fiber, 1746, from Bengali jhuto, from Sanskrit juta-s “twisted hair,” related to jata “braid of hair,” of unknown origin, probably from a non-Indo-European language.

Old English Eotas, one of the ancient Germanic inhabitants of Jutland in Denmark; traditionally they were said to have settled in Kent and Hampshire during the 5c. invasion of Britain. The name is related to Old Norse Iotar.

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