
[mik-soh-muh] /mɪkˈsoʊ mə/

noun, plural myxomas, myxomata
[mik-soh-muh-tuh] /mɪkˈsoʊ mə tə/ (Show IPA). Pathology.
a soft tumor composed of connective and mucoid tissue.
noun (pl) -mas, -mata (-mətə)
a tumour composed of mucous connective tissue, usually situated in subcutaneous tissue

myxoma myx·o·ma (mĭk-sō’mə)
n. pl. myx·o·mas or myx·o·ma·ta (-mə-tə)
A benign tumor composed of connective tissue embedded in mucus.
myx·o’ma·tous (-sō’mə-təs, -sŏm’ə-) adj.

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