
[nuh-frid-ee-uh m] /nəˈfrɪd i əm/

noun, plural nephridia
[nuh-frid-ee-uh] /nəˈfrɪd i ə/ (Show IPA). Zoology.
the excretory organ of many invertebrates, consisting of a tubule with one end opening into the body cavity and the other opening into a pore at the body surface.
noun (pl) -ia (-ɪə)
a simple excretory organ of many invertebrates, consisting of a tube through which waste products pass to the exterior

(plural nephridia), 1877, Modern Latin, from Greek diminutive of nephros “kidney” (see nephron).

nephridium ne·phrid·i·um (nə-frĭd’ē-əm)
n. pl. ne·phrid·i·a (-ē-ə)
The embryonic excretory organ from which the kidney develops.

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