
[oh-ver-see] /ˌoʊ vərˈsi/

verb (used with object), oversaw, overseen, overseeing.
to direct (work or workers); supervise; manage:
He was hired to oversee the construction crews.
to see or observe secretly or unintentionally:
We happened to oversee the burglar leaving the premises. He was overseen stealing the letters.
to survey or watch, as from a higher position.
to look over; examine; inspect.
verb (transitive) -sees, -seeing, -saw, -seen
to watch over and direct; supervise
to watch secretly or accidentally

Old English oferseon “to look down upon, keep watch over, survey, observe;” see over + see (v.). Meaning “to supervise” is attested from mid-15c. The verb lacks the double sense of similar overlook, but this emerges in the noun form oversight. Related: Oversaw; overseen.

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