
[pi-nang, -nahng, pee-nahng] /pɪˈnæŋ, -ˈnɑŋ, ˈpiˈnɑŋ/

an island in SE Asia, off the W coast of the Malay Peninsula. 110 sq. mi. (285 sq. km).
a state including this island and parts of the adjacent mainland: now part of Malaysia; formerly one of the Straits Settlements and part of the former Federation of Malaya. 400 sq. mi. (1036 sq. km).
Capital: Georgetown.
Also called Pulau Pinang. a state of Peninsular Malaysia: consists of the island of Penang and the province Wellesley on the mainland, which first united administratively in 1798 as a British colony. Capital: George Town. Pop: 1 313 449 (2000). Area: 1030 sq km (398 sq miles)
a forested island off the NW coast of Malaya, in the Strait of Malacca. Area: 293 sq km (113 sq miles) Former name (until about 1867) Prince of Wales Island
another name for George Town

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