
[thal-uh-sahy-uh-neen, -nin, fthal-] /ˌθæl əˈsaɪ əˌnin, -nɪn, ˌfθæl-/

noun, Chemistry.
Also called metal-free phthalocyanine. a blue-green pigment, C 3 2 H 1 8 N 8 , derived from phthalic anhydride.
any of the group of blue or green pigments produced by the interaction of and a metal, especially copper: used chiefly in the manufacture of enamels, printing inks, and automotive finishes.
/ˌθæləʊˈsaɪəˌniːn; ˌθeɪ-; ˌfθæl-/
a cyclic blue-green organic pigment. Formula: (C6H4C2N)4N4H4
any of a class of compounds derived by coordination of this compound with a metal atom. They are blue or green pigments used in printing inks, plastics, and enamels

phthalocyanine phthal·o·cy·a·nine (thāl’ō-sī’ə-nēn’)
Any of several stable, light-fast, blue or green organic pigments used in enamels and plastics.

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