
(formerly) the pituitary gland.

Read Also:

  • Pituitary cachexia

    pituitary cachexia n. See Simmonds disease.

  • Pituitary dwarfism

    pituitary dwarfism n. A rare form of dwarfism caused by the absence of a functional anterior pituitary gland. Also called Lorain-Lévi syndrome.

  • Pituitary extract

    noun 1. a preparation of the pituitary gland, used in medicine for the therapeutic effects of its hormones

  • Pituitary fossa

    pituitary fossa n. A depression of the sphenoid bone housing the pituitary gland. Also called hypophysial fossa.

  • Pituitary gigantism

    pituitary gigantism n. A rare form of gigantism caused by hypersecretion of pituitary growth hormone, usually the result of a pituitary adenoma.

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