
[noo-moh-buh-sil-uh s, nyoo-] /ˌnu moʊ bəˈsɪl əs, ˌnyu-/

noun, plural pneumobacilli
[noo-moh-buh-sil-ahy, nyoo-] /ˌnu moʊ bəˈsɪl aɪ, ˌnyu-/ (Show IPA)
a bacterium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, causing a type of pneumonia and associated with certain other diseases, especially of the respiratory tract.
noun (pl) -li (-laɪ)
a rod-shaped bacterium that occurs in the respiratory tract, esp the Gram-negative Klebsiella pneumoniae, which causes pneumonia

pneumobacillus pneu·mo·ba·cil·lus (nōō’mō-bə-sĭl’əs, nyōō’-)
n. pl. pneu·mo·ba·cil·li (-sĭl’ī’)
A nonmotile, gram-negative bacterium (Klebsiella pneumoniae) that causes a severe form of pneumonia and is associated with other respiratory infections.

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