
[noo-muh-kok-uh s, nyoo‐] /ˌnu məˈkɒk əs, ˌnyu‐/

noun, plural pneumococci
[noo-muh-kok-sahy, ‐see, nyoo‐] /ˌnu məˈkɒk saɪ, ‐si, ˌnyu‐/ (Show IPA)
a bacterium, Diplococcus pneumoniae, causing lobar pneumonia and associated with certain other diseases, as pericarditis and meningitis.
noun (pl) -cocci (-ˈkɒkaɪ)
a spherical bacterium that occurs in the respiratory tract, esp the Gram-positive Diplococcus pneumoniae, which causes pneumonia

pneumococcus pneu·mo·coc·cus (nōō’mə-kŏk’əs, nyōō’-)
n. pl. pneu·mo·coc·ci (-kŏk’sī’, -kŏk’ī’)
A nonmotile, gram-positive bacterium (Streptococcus pneumoniae) that is the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia and is associated with meningitis and other infectious diseases.
pneu’mo·coc’cal (-kŏk’əl) adj.

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