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  • Recently

    [ree-suh nt] /ˈri sənt/ adjective 1. of late occurrence, appearance, or origin; lately happening, done, made, etc.: recent events; a recent trip. 2. not long past: in recent years. 3. of or belonging to a time not long past. 4. (initial capital letter) Geology. noting or pertaining to the present epoch, originating at the end […]

  • Recentness

    [ree-suh nt] /ˈri sənt/ adjective 1. of late occurrence, appearance, or origin; lately happening, done, made, etc.: recent events; a recent trip. 2. not long past: in recent years. 3. of or belonging to a time not long past. 4. (initial capital letter) Geology. noting or pertaining to the present epoch, originating at the end […]

  • Recentralize

    [sen-truh-lahyz] /ˈsɛn trəˌlaɪz/ verb (used with object), centralized, centralizing. 1. to draw to or gather about a . 2. to bring under one control, especially in government: to centralize budgeting in one agency. verb (used without object), centralized, centralizing. 3. to come together at or to form a center. /ˈsɛntrəˌlaɪz/ verb 1. to draw or […]

  • Recents

    [ree-suh nt] /ˈri sənt/ adjective 1. of late occurrence, appearance, or origin; lately happening, done, made, etc.: recent events; a recent trip. 2. not long past: in recent years. 3. of or belonging to a time not long past. 4. (initial capital letter) Geology. noting or pertaining to the present epoch, originating at the end […]

  • Recept

    [ree-sept] /ˈri sɛpt/ noun 1. an idea formed by the repetition of similar percepts, as successive percepts of the same object. /ˈriːsɛpt/ noun 1. (psychol) an idea or image formed in the mind by repeated experience of a particular pattern of sensory stimulation

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