Relative majority

(Brit) the excess of votes or seats won by the winner of an election over the runner-up when no candidate or party has more than 50 per cent Compare absolute majority

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    noun, Mathematics. 1. maximum (def 4a). noun, plural maximums, maxima [mak-suh-muh] /ˈmæk sə mə/ (Show IPA) 1. the greatest quantity or amount possible, assignable, allowable, etc. 2. the highest amount, value, or degree attained or recorded. 3. an upper limit allowed or allowable by law or regulation. 4. Mathematics. Also called relative maximum, local maximum. […]

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  • Relativeness

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  • Relative pathname

    file system A path relative to the working directory. Its first character can be anything but the pathname separator. (1996-11-21)

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