
any of several plants belonging to the genus Rheum, of the buckwheat family, as R. officinale, having a medicinal rhizome, and R. rhabarbarum, having edible leafstalks.
the rhizome of any medicinal species of this plant, forming a combined cathartic and astringent.
the edible, fleshy leafstalks of R. rhabarbarum, used in making pies, preserves, etc.
Slang. a quarrel or squabble.
any of several temperate and subtropical plants of the polygonaceous genus Rheum, esp R. rhaponticum (common garden rhubarb), which has long green and red acid-tasting edible leafstalks, usually eaten sweetened and cooked
the leafstalks of this plant
a related plant, Rheum officinale, of central Asia, having a bitter-tasting underground stem that can be dried and used medicinally as a laxative or astringent
(US & Canadian, slang) a heated discussion or quarrel
the noise made by actors to simulate conversation, esp by repeating the word rhubarb at random
to simulate conversation, esp by repeating the word rhubarb at random
rhubarb 1
rhubarb 2

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