
a cellar, partially or wholly underground and usually covered with dirt, where root crops and other vegetables are stored.

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  • Root-crop

    noun 1. a crop, as beets, turnips, or sweet potatoes, grown for its large and edible undergound parts. noun 1. a crop, as of turnips or beets, cultivated for the food value of its roots

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    noun, Chiefly Southern U.S. 1. herb doctor.

  • Rootedness

    adjective 1. having roots. 2. firmly implanted (often used in combination): a deep-rooted belief. adjective 1. having roots 2. deeply felt: rooted objections 3. (Austral, slang) tired or defeated 4. (Austral, taboo, slang) get rooted!, an exclamation of contemptuous anger or annoyance, esp against another person

  • Rooted to the spot

    Not moving, especially owing to some strong emotion. For example, When the truck bore down on the dog, he was terrified and stood rooted to the spot. This idiom likens the roots of a plant to a strong feeling that keeps one from moving.

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