
guelder rose.

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    noun 1. a ball of snow pressed or rolled together, as for throwing. 2. any of several shrubs belonging to the genus Viburnum, of the honeysuckle family, having large clusters of white, sterile flowers. 3. a confection of crushed ice, usually in the shape of a ball, which is flavored with fruit or other syrup […]

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    noun 1. a small tree belonging to the genus Styrax, of the storax family, having simple, alternate leaves and showy white bell-shaped flowers.

  • Snowbelt

    noun 1. a region of annual or heavy snowfall. 2. (initial capital letter). Also, Snow Belt. Also called Frostbelt. the northern parts of the U.S., especially the Midwest and the Northeast, that are subject to considerable snowfall.

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