Stepstone corp

A company founded by Brad Cox, responsible for Objective C.
Telephone: +1 (203) 426-1875.

Read Also:

  • Stepstool

    noun 1. a low set of hinged steps, often folding into or under a stool, used typically in a kitchen for reaching high shelves.

  • Steptoe

    noun, Western U.S. 1. an isolated hill or mountain surrounded by lava.

  • Step-turn

    noun, Skiing. 1. a turn in which a skier lifts one ski from the snow, faces the ski slightly outward in the direction to be turned, sets it down, and brings the other ski around so that both skis are parallel.

  • Step-up

    adjective 1. effecting an increase. 2. Electricity. serving to increase voltage: a step-up transformer. 3. (of a lease) allowing for gradual rent increases to the highest amount permissible. noun 4. an increase or rise in the rate or quantity of something.

  • Step up to the plate

    step out on someone

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