
adjective, stricter, strictest.
characterized by or acting in close conformity to requirements or principles:
a strict observance of rituals.
stringent or exacting in or in enforcing rules, requirements, obligations, etc.:
strict laws; a strict judge.
closely or rigorously enforced or maintained:
strict silence.
exact or precise:
a strict statement of facts.
extremely defined or conservative; narrowly or carefully limited:
a strict construction of the Constitution.
close, careful, or minute:
a strict search.
absolute, perfect, or complete; utmost:
told in strict confidence.
stern; severe; austere:
strict parents.
Obsolete. drawn tight or close.
adhering closely to specified rules, ordinances, etc: a strict faith
complied with or enforced stringently; rigorous: a strict code of conduct
severely correct in attention to rules of conduct or morality: a strict teacher
(of a punishment, etc) harsh; severe
(prenominal) complete; absolute: in strict secrecy
(logic, maths, of a relation)

applying more narrowly than some other relation often given the same name, as strict inclusion, which holds only between pairs of sets that are distinct, while simple inclusion permits the case in which they are identical See also proper (sense 9), ordering
distinguished from a relation of the same name that is not the subject of formal study

(botany, rare) very straight, narrow, and upright: strict panicles

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