
a sleep-deprived supermom who feeds on caffeine and survives on sticky kisses and messy smiles. mombies are master multi-taskers and suck-it-uppers.
my mombie game is strong. i have managed to scrub the walls, make dinner, bathe the kids, and drink an entire pot of coffee in one gulp on 2 hours of broken sleep.
a woman who has a child and becomes a different person than she was before (often a former feminist); her conversations all revolve around toilet training, feeding schedules, and the occasional housework; so-called because there’s a certain glazed look in the eyes and she appears to have been brainwashed
dana used to be pretty cool and loved talking about politics. since she had her baby, though, she’s a total mombie–i asked what she thought of obama and she looked at me blankly and asked if that was a type of stroller.
a mom who has nothing else remotely interesting going on in her life and does nothing but focus on her children, to the point she lives vicariously through them, finding no other means of fulfillment.
“so and so p–ped today and drew with it! so cute!”

“g-d, you’re such a mombie.”

susie spent her weekend buying diapers and school supplies. she is a sad, sad mombie.

all facebook and/or mysp-ce updates involve mundane parenting tasks and make them sound like the superbowl.
a mother before she has had her morning coffee. combination of mom and zombie.
mom hasn’t had her morning coffee, yet. she’s such a mombie!
a mindless, half-dead idiot who walks and plays with their mobile phone at the same time.
i nearly ran over a mombie who walked into the road without looking the other day.
mother who suffers for lack of sleep and acts in zombiemode.
– wth… you put your cellphone in fridge?
– sorry.. im sucha mombie again.
a listless, unaffectionate mother who tries to go through the motions of rearing the perfect child. equals mom + zombie. she’d rather ask her kid what a participle is, instead of trying to savor a light moment.

the community center was full of mombies, who grilled their kids coldly on what they learned today in school in the 15 minutes wait before gymnastics cl-ss.

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