
benjamin, born 1949, israeli prime minister 1996–99.
contemporary examples

netanyahu may in any case have to enforce a settlement freeze to avoid this.
what the white house could learn from barak’s farewell message carlo strenger march 3, 2013

but in truth, such intervention helped topple yitzhak shamir in 1992 and netanyahu himself in 1999.
obama’s silver lining in israel: elections weaken netanyahu peter beinart january 22, 2013

like netanyahu, abbas finds faces no strong political challengers.
strong and stronger hussein ibish june 7, 2012

the gap matters not only for deciphering netanyahu’s fuzzy math.
why the palestinian authority is broke george hale october 24, 2012

they would probably have refused, and yet netanyahu would have had a comfortable majority of more than 70 mks.
lapid and livni should stay out carlo strenger january 15, 2013

tzipi livni and the movement party will contest netanyahu this election.
tzipi livni’s futile return to israeli politics dan ephron november 27, 2012

but netanyahu shows why we should be careful not to attribute too much cunning to those in power.
netanyahu, third-term incompetent gershom gorenberg august 25, 2013

hoping for a change in netanyahu or even for israeli unilateralism—whatever one might think of its merits—is misguided.
magical thinking on netanyahu jacob silverman june 6, 2012

actually, i’d like to get back to netanyahu’s view of what makes a country jewish.
how not to keep israel jewish gershom gorenberg june 17, 2012

since netanyahu was discussing iranian uranium enrichment, i mistook his chart for referencing these levels.
bibi’s illusion of alarm ali gharib september 27, 2012

benjamin (ˈbɪnjæˌmiːn). born 1949, israeli politician: leader of the likud party (1993–99 and from 2005); prime minister (1996–99 and from 2009)

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