
a radiograph made with x-rays.
historical examples

the memory of mars raymond f. jones
punch or the london charivari, vol. 147, july 8, 1914 various
the power and the glory grace macgowan cooke
the vanishing man r. austin freeman
manual of surgery volume second: extremities–head–neck. sixth edition. alexander miles

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  • X-ray-spectrometry

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  • X-ray-technician

    a technician who specializes in taking and processing x-rays, especially in a hospital or clinic. contemporary examples johnny knoxville: my 6 favorite ‘jack-ss’ pranks, from ‘terror taxi’ to ‘bad grandpa’ johnny knoxville october 24, 2013

  • X-ray-therapy

    treatment of a disease using controlled quant-ties of x-rays. noun (med) the therapeutic use of x-rays

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