1st earl march mortimer
[mawr-tuh-mer] /ˈmɔr tə mər/
roger de
[duh] /də/ (show ipa), 8th baron of wigmore
[wig-mawr,, -mohr] /ˈwɪgˌmɔr,, -ˌmoʊr/ (show ipa), and 1st earl of march, 1287–1330, english rebel leader: paramour of isabella, queen of edward ii of england.
a male given name.
sir john (clifford). 1923–2009, british barrister, playwright, and novelist, best known for the television series featuring the barrister horace rumpole. his novels include paradise postponed (1985) and the sound of trumpets (1998)
roger de, 8th baron of wigmore and 1st earl of march. 1287–1330, lover of isabella, the wife of edward ii of england: they invaded england in 1326 and compelled the king to abdicate in favour of his son, edward iii; executed
masc. proper name and surname, from mortemer, name of a place in normandy.
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[mount-bat-n] /maʊntˈbæt n/ noun louis, 1st earl mountbatten of burma, 1900–79, british admiral: viceroy of india 1947; governor general of india 1947–48. mountbatten /maʊntˈbætən/ noun louis (francis albert victor nicholas), 1st earl mountbatten of burma 1900–79, british naval commander; great-grandson of queen victoria. during world war ii he was supreme allied commander in se asia […]
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[mount-bat-n] /maʊntˈbæt n/ noun louis, 1st earl mountbatten of burma, 1900–79, british admiral: viceroy of india 1947; governor general of india 1947–48. mountbatten /maʊntˈbætən/ noun louis (francis albert victor nicholas), 1st earl mountbatten of burma 1900–79, british naval commander; great-grandson of queen victoria. during world war ii he was supreme allied commander in se asia […]