A a blagonravov
[blah-guh n-rah-vawf, -vof; russian bluh-guh-nrah-vuh f] /ˌblɑ gənˈrɑ vɔf, -vɒf; russian blə gʌˈnrɑ vəf/
anatoli arkadyevich
[an-uh-toh-lee;; russian uh-nuh-taw-lyee uhr-kah-dyi-vyich] /ˈæn əˌtoʊ li;; russian ʌ nʌˈtɔ lyi ʌrˈkɑ dyɪ vyɪtʃ/ (show ipa), 1894–1975, russian scientist.
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