abigail macgregor

a llightweight, gets pished after 4 cans a dark fruits
shes such an abigail macgregor
buy the domain for your recipe blog

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  • dickensworth

    your worth nothing better than a shriveled up no good d-ck. your a d-ckensworth. buy the domain for your recipe blog

  • ashleybelle

    usually the b-tch of the group that everyone hates that needs to die… probably going to bcome a prost-tute because shes dumber than a bag of rocks. d-mn that girl is an ashleybelle just talking about her makes me feel dumb

  • cream belt

    when you pull out right before c-mming and -j-c-l-t- on her waistline in a horizontal line. ryan:“i was f-ckin ole girl the other day and the condom popped. brad: “d-mn bro what did you do?” ryan:”i kept hitting that sh-t then i pulled out and gave her a cream belt” buy the domain for your […]

  • latocha

    conservative jamaican girl girl 1: “why isn’t she dancing with guys? ” girl 2: “she’s a latocha.” buy the domain for your diy vlog

  • shelsee

    a gil who has a mean sh-ll but is really nice on the inside. will kill you if you mess with her friends. mean person: your friend sucks shelsee: *smacks door down* what the freak did you say!! buy the domain for your pet vlog

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