
to make or real; turn into action or fact.
contemporary examples

zero dark thirty will be remembered as her personal journey and struggle to actualize what for so long seemed impossible.
from ‘zero dark thirty’ to ‘medal of honor’ video game: the seal team six gift guide benjamin schor december 18, 2012

regardless of the obstacles in her path, she was tirelessly determined to actualize her vision for equality.
libyan activist pays tribute to slain spiritual sister anonymous june 26, 2014

historical examples

not to actualize the idea of the church, only to strive after its actualization, is the task of a religious communion.
the catholic world; volume i, issues 1-6 e. rameur

he could thus prove line-rotation without even being able to actualize in his experience such a rotation.
the mystery of sp-ce robert t. browne

they sought to actualize what their predecessors tried to symbolise.
the book of tea kakuzo okakura

there is no special corporeal potentiality (to speak in aristotelian language) which it is destined to actualize.
aristotle george grote

but ideas have occult power, and ideas, when rightly planted and rightly tended, are the seeds that actualize material conditions.
thoughts i met on the highway ralph waldo trine

but none of us were prepared to actualize practically the ideal life of which we dreamed.
concord days a. bronson alcott

ceremonial deeds are used to actualize free contacts with reality.
the life of the spirit and the life of to-day evelyn underhill

she has only to open her mouth and the innate apt-tudes of air rush in to actualize her creative wish.
among the forces henry white warren

verb (transitive)
to make actual or real
to represent realistically

1810, first attested in coleridge, from actual + -ize. related: actualized; actualizing.

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