
to pr-nounce or decree by judicial sentence.
to settle or determine (an issue or dispute) judicially.
to sit in judgment (usually followed by upon).
contemporary examples

if it p-ssed muster with an adjudicator, it would be put on at the local playhouse.
angelina jolie’s new muse: the rise of jack o’connell, star of the wwii epic ‘unbroken’ marlow stern december 9, 2014

historical examples

an adjudicator, for instance, is the first person to make a decision.
warren commission (5 of 26): hearings vol. v (of 15) the president’s commission on the -ss-ssination of president kennedy

a judge, esp in a compet-tion
an arbitrator, esp in a dispute
when intr, usually foll by upon. to give a decision (on), esp a formal or binding one
(intransitive) to act as an adjudicator
(transitive) (chess) to determine the likely result of (a game) by counting relative value of pieces, positional strength, etc
(intransitive) to serve as a judge or arbiter, as in a compet-tion

1804, agent noun in latin form from adjudicate.

1700, from latin adjudicatus, past participle of adjudicare (see adjudge). related: adjudicated; adjudicating.

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