

algesidystrophy al·ge·si·dys·tro·phy (āl-jē’zĭ-dĭs’trə-fē, -sĭ-)
see algodystrophy.

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  • Algesiogenic

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  • Algesiometer

    an instrument for determining the sensitiveness of the skin to a painful stimulus. algesiometer al·ge·si·om·e·ter (āl-jē’zē-ŏm’ĭ-tər) or al·ge·sim·e·ter (āl’jĭ-sĭm’ĭ-tər) n. an instrument for measuring sensitivity to a painful stimulus. also called algometer, odynometer.

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  • Algesthesis

    algesthesis algesthesis al·ges·the·sis (āl’jěs-thē’sĭs) n. the perception of pain.

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