
a tree, possibly the red sandalwood. i kings 10:12.
historical examples

and the navy also of hiram, that brought gold from ophir, brought in from ophir great plenty of almug trees and precious stones.
the bible story rev. newton marshall hall

she has not come to prove him with hard questions, but to repose under his almug trees.
a dream of empire william henry venable

no jewish lexicon tells us of almug or algum trees; no hebrew writer undertakes to describe them.
prehistoric structures of central america martin ingham townsend

(1 kings 10:11, 12) = algum (2 chr. 2:8; 9:10, 11), in the hebrew occurring only in the plural _almuggim_ (indicating that the wood was brought in planks), the name of a wood brought from ophir to be used in the building of the temple, and for other purposes. some suppose it to have been the white sandal-wood of india, the santalum alb-m of botanists, a native of the mountainous parts of the malabar coasts. it is a fragrant wood, and is used in china for incense in idol-worship. others, with some probability, think that it was the indian red sandal-wood, the pterocarpus santalinus, a heavy, fine-grained wood, the sanscrit name of which is valguka. it is found on the coromandel coast and in ceylon.

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