the belief that perhaps humans should occasionally give a sh-t about other humans.
see also: evolutionary adaptations that precipitate the continuation of life in the universe.
lol, altruism? why should i have to pay for someone elses’ continued survival? let natural selection take it’s place -lol- (three-billion years of multicellular evolution for nothing)
the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others
she has to much altruism.
not removing from the gene pool (slowly, painfully) all the back-stabbing a-holes in your life.
“that -@#!-%#-! back-stabbed me so bad! he/she is lucky i believe in altruism!”
revenge betrayal mercy backstab benevolent
the deliberate pursuit of the interests or welfare of others or the public interest.
wow, that steve mcguire really hooked us up on yankee tickets. talk about altruism!
sh-t that means bad-sses doing nice things for a while then going back to being cool and black and stuff.
the motorcycle gang was in a state of altruism when they painted the old hookers house but then went back to usual by f-cking the old mother f-ckin b-st-rd.
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