
is a smart, artistic, tall, and interesting boy. he can sometimes be mean, when he feels like it. he is sort of an outgoing person. he is hot. if he doesn’t know you he’ll become shy. if he doesn’t like you he’ll ignore. if he’s having a bad day he’ll get an att-tude. he might cuss at you but it depends on his mood. he will always be there for you if you’re feeling bad. he also asks a lot of questions. he can sing but doesn’t always like to admit. he is a puerto rican prince. (depends on the nationality or race.) he is kind of geeky. he can dance but only in front of people who he truly knows. if you don’t have a friend named amalio then you need to get one.
“you are such an amalio.”
“amalio is different in a good way!!”

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