
pathology. a quant-tative deficiency of the hemoglobin, often accompanied by a reduced number of red blood cells and causing pallor, weakness, and breathlessness.
a lack of power, vigor, vitality, or colorfulness:
his writing suffers from anemia.
historical examples

his anaemia of a transplanted plant, combatted and almost vanquished by a regime that was country-like, returned on such mornings.
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in certain forms of anaemia the administration of iron rapidly improves the blood in both respects.
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it is quite true, he is taking an after dinner nap, for he is suffering from anaemia.
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ralph stockman points out that there are three chief theories as to the action of iron in anaemia.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 14, slice 7 various

has she shown any tendency to rheumatism, anaemia, tuberculosis, or other illness?
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that form of neuralgia which is -ssociated with anaemia usually yields to iron.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 14, slice 7 various

death may be brought about by anaemia after repeated hemorrhages.
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in chronic cases the eventual effects are anaemia, melanosis, enlargement of the spleen and liver, and general cachexia.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 17, slice 4 various

in certain forms of anaemia it increases the number of the red corpuscles and also their haemoglobin content.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 2, slice 6 various

here occur fever, anaemia, neuralgic pains, and the eruptions on the skin and the mucous membranes.
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a deficiency in the number of red blood cells or in their haemoglobin content, resulting in pallor, shortness of breath, and lack of energy
lack of vitality or vigour
pallid complexion
the usual us spelling of anaemia

1824, from french medical term (1761), modern latin, from greek anaimia “lack of blood,” from anaimos “bloodless,” from an- “without” (see an- (1)) + haima “blood” (see -emia).

alternative (chiefly u.s.) spelling of anaemia (q.v.). see ae. as a genus of plants, modern latin, from greek aneimon “unclad,” from privative prefix an- (see an- (1)) + eima “a dress, garment” (see wear (v.)).

anemia a·ne·mi·a (ə-nē’mē-ə)
a pathological deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood, measured in unit volume concentrations of hemoglobin, red blood cell volume, or red blood cell number.
a·ne’mic (-mĭk) adj.
a deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood, as in the amount of hemoglobin or the number or volume of red blood cells. iron deficiency, often caused by inadequate dietary consumption of iron, and blood loss are common causes of anemia. see also aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia.and sickle cell anemia.

anemic adjective
anemia [(uh-nee-mee-uh)]

a condition in which the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen is decreased because of too few red blood cells in circulation or because of too little hemoglobin.

note: because people suffering from anemia often appear weak and pale, the term is frequently used to describe general apathy or weakness: “the team’s performance has been pretty anemic these past few weeks.”

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