
any substance, as testosterone or androsterone, that promotes male characteristics.
contemporary examples

and androgen insensitivity syndrome, which can cause people born with xy chromosomes (male typical) to appear feminine.
don’t call them hermaphrodites joseph huff-hannon september 15, 2009

any of several steroids, produced as hormones by the testes or made synthetically, that promote development of male s-xual organs and male secondary s-xual characteristics

male s-x hormone, 1936, from andro- + -gen.

androgen an·dro·gen (ān’drə-jən)
a steroid, such as testosterone or androsterone, that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. also called androgenic hormone, testoid.
an’dro·gen’ic (-jěn’ĭk) adj.
any of several steroid hormones, especially testosterone, that regulate the growth, development, and function of the male reproductive system. the main source of androgens in the body are the testes.

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