
congenital absence of part or all of the brain.
historical examples

it has been observed likewise in anencephalous monsters (brissot, idem).
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various

in a former article i alluded to encephalous and anencephalous cases, where there were either no heads or heads without brains.
curiosities of medical experience j. g. (john gideon) millingen

anencephaly an·en·ceph·a·ly (ān’ən-sěf’ə-lē)
congenital absence of most of the brain and spinal cord.
an’en·ce·phal’ic (-sə-fāl’ĭk) or an’en·ceph’a·lous (-sěf’ə-ləs) adj.

anencephaly an·en·ceph·a·ly (an’en-sef’ā- lē)
markedly defective development of the brain, together with absence of the bones of the cranial vault and the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres, and with only a rudimentary brain stem and some traces of basal ganglia present

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