

anterolateral an·ter·o·lat·er·al (ān’tə-rō-lāt’ər-əl)
in front and away from the middle line.
historical examples

the nerve then extends distally along the anterolateral edge of the latter muscle and subdivides into two long branches.
variation in the muscles and nerves of the leg in e. bruce holmes

a triangular dark mark with the anterolateral corners on the eyelids is present in all specimens.
descriptions of new hylid frogs from mexico and central america william e. duellman

the anterolateral part of the trans-palatine articulates with the dorsal surface of the posterior kn-b of the maxillary.
a revision of snakes of the genus conophis (family colubridae, from middle america) john wellman

the slender common tendon of the anterolateral head and the anterolateral heads of mm.
variation in the muscles and nerves of the leg in e. bruce holmes

the postfrontals are attached to the anterolateral processes of the parietal.
a revision of snakes of the genus conophis (family colubridae, from middle america) john wellman

ossification follows in the mid-parts of the anterolateral arms and occurs last in the pterygoid pedicles.
neotropical hylid frogs, genus smilisca william e. duellman

the anterolateral head arises in common with the anterolateral heads of mm.
variation in the muscles and nerves of the leg in e. bruce holmes

the prefrontal articulates with the anterolateral process of the frontal.
a revision of snakes of the genus conophis (family colubridae, from middle america) john wellman

most adults and subadults of t. ferox show clearly in dorsal view the anterolateral portions of the plastron.
north american recent soft-sh-lled turtles (family trionychidae) robert g. webb

the anterolateral and posterolateral processes of the prevomers form the incomplete bony internal margin of the choanae.
the systematics of the frogs of the hyla rubra group in middle america juan r. len

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