
a cavity in a body organ, especially a bone.
historical examples

the antrum pyloric-m is small and not very distinctly marked.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 13, slice 6 various

we found that the tumor did extend from the antrum, into which i could bore my finger easily.
new, old, and forgotten remedies: papers by many writers various

this may be necessary if the anterior wall of the antrum and mastoid process be affected.
a system of operative surgery, volume iv (of 4) various

it is rarely possible to enter the antrum through its natural ostium.
a system of operative surgery, volume iv (of 4) various

an inexperienced operator may mistake a large mastoid cell for the antrum and in this way may get into difficulties.
a system of operative surgery, volume iv (of 4) various

in my opinion, however, it is always wiser in such cases to open the antrum.
a system of operative surgery, volume iv (of 4) various

the completion of the operation is seldom difficult, as the fistula actually leads into the antrum.
a system of operative surgery, volume iv (of 4) various

it was somewhat striking that i never observed any trouble, immediate or remote, from these perforations of the antrum.
surgical experiences in south africa, 1899-1900 george henry makins

the operation may be extremely difficult, as the antrum is frequently of small size and very deeply placed.
a system of operative surgery, volume iv (of 4) various

antrum, therefore, meant originally what is within or inside the earth or anything else.
the continental monthly, vol. 6, no 4, october, 1864 various

noun (pl) -tra (-trə)
(anatomy) a natural cavity, hollow, or sinus, esp in a bone

“a cave or cavity,” late 14c., medical latin, from greek antron “cave.”

antrum an·trum (ān’trəm)
n. pl. an·tra (-trə)

a nearly closed cavity or chamber, especially in a bone.

the pyloric end of the stomach, partially shut off during digestion from the cardiac end by sphincter muscles in the stomach wall.

an’tral (-trəl) adj.

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    a cavity in a body organ, especially a bone. noun (pl) -tra (-trə) (anatomy) a natural cavity, hollow, or sinus, esp in a bone n. “a cave or cavity,” late 14c., medical latin, from greek antron “cave.” antrum an·trum (ān’trəm) n. pl. an·tra (-trə) a nearly closed cavity or chamber, especially in a bone. the […]

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