
astronomy. the point in the orbit of a heavenly body, especially the moon, or of a man-made satellite at which it is farthest from the earth.
compare .
the highest or most distant point; climax.
contemporary examples

it reaches its apogee in bodrum, since nowhere in turkey is the produce and seafood fresher or more abundant.
into the heart of turkey sophie menin september 27, 2010

winehouse laid down the track in her attic studio in 2009, at the apogee of her hard-partying ways.
amy winehouse’s soul-searing final alb-m, ‘lioness: hidden treasures’ chris lee december 5, 2011

the apogee of all this dressing came on december 23, 1908, when he formed the mark twain corporation.
america’s first modern celebrity laura skandera trombley march 19, 2010

we missed the apogee of the hippie revolution becoming something more serious.
argentina’s drag & drop democracy jeff campagna march 11, 2014

historical examples

during her apogee she had a neat little house in the rue chauchat, and lived as opera nymphs used to live in the old days.
a prince of bohemia honore de balzac

the second measures the distance of the sun from its apogee.
smithsonian inst-tution – united states national museum – bulletin 240 anonymous

the work of faith has there attained its apogee: that of conferences, of interims, of diplomacy begins.
history of the great reformation, volume iv j. h. merle d’aubign

the acquisition of this soul marks the apogee of the greatness of a people.
appletons’ popular science monthly, april 1899 various

but it is certainly in the white peac-ck that this sensation attains its apogee.
a novelist on novels w. l. george

it seems that arborescent vegetation had then attained its apogee.
the world before the deluge louis figuier

the point in its orbit around the earth when the moon or an artificial satellite is at its greatest distance from the earth compare perigee
the highest point

“point at which the moon is farthest from the earth,” 1590s, from french apogée, from latin apogaeum, from greek apogaion, neuter adjective, “away from the earth,” a term from ptolemaic astronomy, from apo “off, away” (see apo-) + gaia/ge “earth” (see gaia). adjective forms are apogeal, apogean.

the point farthest from earth’s center in the orbit of the moon or an artificial satellite.

the point in an orbit that is most distant from the body being orbited. compare aphelion, perigee.

apogee [(ap-uh-jee)]

in astronomy, the point during the orbit of a satellite, such as the moon, at which it is farthest from the body being orbited. for planets in the solar system orbiting the sun, their farthest point from the sun is referred to as aphelion.

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