
a whitish, fibrous membrane that connects a muscle to a bone or fascia.
historical examples

also, there is insertion by an aponeurosis anterior to m. adductor mandibular posterior as stated above.
jaw musculature of the mourning and white-winged doves robert l. merz

it is covered by an aponeurosis, and in part by the great gluteal.
artistic anatomy of animals douard cuyer

anterior to the acetabulum the origin is aponeurotic, and the edge of this aponeurosis p-sses over the proximal end of the femur.
myology and serology of the avian family fringillidae william b. stallcup

fibers attach to the dorsal and ventral side of the aponeurosis.
jaw musculature of the mourning and white-winged doves robert l. merz

part of the aponeurosis becomes tendonlike in the middle of m. pterygoideus ventralis and separates its two divisions.
jaw musculature of the mourning and white-winged doves robert l. merz

the aponeurosis is the same that gives origin to the fibers of pars lateralis.
jaw musculature of the mourning and white-winged doves robert l. merz

in the pig, and especially in the horse, it p-sses further upwards, to arise from the aponeurosis of the coccygeal muscles.
artistic anatomy of animals douard cuyer

the lateral tendon of m. pseudotemporalis superficialis converges with the aponeurosis.
jaw musculature of the mourning and white-winged doves robert l. merz

all of the fibers of the muscle insert on the posteroventral surface of the aponeurosis before it divides.
jaw musculature of the mourning and white-winged doves robert l. merz

the aponeurosis extends about three-fifths of the distance along the muscle and it is dorsal or superficial to all of the fibers.
jaw musculature of the mourning and white-winged doves robert l. merz

noun (pl) -ses (-siːz)
(anatomy) a white fibrous sheet of tissue by which certain muscles are attached to bones

1670s, from latin, from greek aponeurosis, from aponeuroein, from apo- “off, away from” (see apo-) + neuron “sinew” (see neuro-).

aponeurosis ap·o·neu·ro·sis (āp’ə-nu-rō’sĭs, -nyu-)
a sheetlike fibrous membrane resembling a flattened tendon that serves as a fascia to bind muscles together or to connect muscle to bone.
ap’o·neu·rot’ic (-rŏt’ĭk) adj.

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