
a whitish, fibrous membrane that connects a muscle to a bone or fascia.
historical examples

in this species the central, aponeurotic portion of the m. iliotibialis is absent.
myology and serology of the avian family fringillidae william b. stallcup

in one leg, the posterior edge of the origin is aponeurotic.
variation in the muscles and nerves of the leg in e. bruce holmes

anterior to the acetabulum the origin is aponeurotic, and the edge of this aponeurosis p-sses over the proximal end of the femur.
myology and serology of the avian family fringillidae william b. stallcup

in one leg (fig. 20h), the posteroproximal corner of the muscle is aponeurotic.
variation in the muscles and nerves of the leg in e. bruce holmes

the distal part of the muscle is aponeurotic and joins with the femorotibialis muscles in the formation of the patellar tendon.
myology and serology of the avian family fringillidae william b. stallcup

the origin is aponeurotic in the preacetabular region but fleshy in the postacetabular region.
myology and serology of the avian family fringillidae william b. stallcup

noun (pl) -ses (-siːz)
(anatomy) a white fibrous sheet of tissue by which certain muscles are attached to bones

1670s, from latin, from greek aponeurosis, from aponeuroein, from apo- “off, away from” (see apo-) + neuron “sinew” (see neuro-).

aponeurosis ap·o·neu·ro·sis (āp’ə-nu-rō’sĭs, -nyu-)
a sheetlike fibrous membrane resembling a flattened tendon that serves as a fascia to bind muscles together or to connect muscle to bone.
ap’o·neu·rot’ic (-rŏt’ĭk) adj.

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