
physiology. pertaining to the blood in the pulmonary vein, in the left side of the heart, and in most , having been oxygenated during its p-ssage through the lungs and being normally bright red.
anatomy. of, relating to, or resembling the .
being or const-tuting a main route, channel, or other course of flow or access, often with many branches:
an arterial highway; an arterial drainage system.
a main route, channel, or other course of flow or access:
funds to resurface the main arterials of the city.
contemporary examples

heavy lacerations, arterial bleeding, left leg and left arm.
friends on the line: excerpt from brian mockenhaupt’s “the living and the dead” brian mockenhaupt november 20, 2012

historical examples

withdraw entirely the stimulus of arterial blood, and the brain ceases to act, and sensibility and consciousness become extinct.
popular education ira mayhew

it may be noted that arterial anomalies are extremely frequent.
the criminal havelock ellis

the present status is somewhat chaotic, some affirming and some denying that arterial changes follow the various methods employed.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

its shape has been discovered by deep borings in search of arterial waters.
the argentine republic pierre denis

came a day when in the paddock dan crimmins had seen that fleck of arterial blood on the handkerchief.
garrison’s finish w. b. m. ferguson

their arterial system is superior to man’s—simpler and stronger.
decadence and other essays on the culture of ideas remy de gourmont

the first of these is afforded by the arrangement of the arterial vessel supplying the liver.
the anatomy of the human peritoneum and abdominal cavity george. s. huntington

now, we add that the same is true of the arterial distribution.
evolution joseph le conte

first, the neck and head are of a deep brown, with a tinge of the colour of arterial blood.
the young yagers mayne reid

of, relating to, or affecting an artery or arteries: arterial disease
denoting or relating to the usually bright red reoxygenated blood returning from the lungs or gills that circulates in the arteries
being a major route, esp one with many minor branches: an arterial road

early 15c., from french artérial (modern french artériel), from latin arteria; see artery.

arterial ar·te·ri·al (är-tēr’ē-əl)

of or relating to one or more arteries or to the entire system of arteries.

of, relating to, or being the bright red oxygenated blood in the arteries.

ar·te’ri·al·ly adv.
any of the blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body’s cells, tissues, and organs. arteries are flexible, elastic tubes with muscular walls that expand and contract to pump blood through the body.

arterial adjective (är-tîr’ē-əl)

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