
physiology. pertaining to the blood in the pulmonary vein, in the left side of the heart, and in most , having been oxygenated during its p-ssage through the lungs and being normally bright red.
anatomy. of, relating to, or resembling the .
being or const-tuting a main route, channel, or other course of flow or access, often with many branches:
an arterial highway; an arterial drainage system.
a main route, channel, or other course of flow or access:
funds to resurface the main arterials of the city.
of, relating to, or affecting an artery or arteries: arterial disease
denoting or relating to the usually bright red reoxygenated blood returning from the lungs or gills that circulates in the arteries
being a major route, esp one with many minor branches: an arterial road

early 15c., from french artérial (modern french artériel), from latin arteria; see artery.

arterial ar·te·ri·al (är-tēr’ē-əl)

of or relating to one or more arteries or to the entire system of arteries.

of, relating to, or being the bright red oxygenated blood in the arteries.

ar·te’ri·al·ly adv.

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