
the phylum comprising the arthropods.
historical examples

a cl-ss of arthropoda comprising the centipedes and their allies, characterised by their numerous feet.
the ancient life history of the earth henry alleyne nicholson

further ecological studies on stratification of the arthropoda.
the biotic -ssociations of c-ckroaches louis m. roth

the solid palpless mandible such as we now see in some arthropoda is, necessarily, a late specialization.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 2, slice 6 various

an hibernal study of arthropoda with reference to hibernation.
the biotic -ssociations of c-ckroaches louis m. roth

an ecological study of the arthropoda of an oak-hickory forest with reference to stratification.
the biotic -ssociations of c-ckroaches louis m. roth

this subkingdom is known by naturalists under the name of the arthropoda.
the b-tterfly book william jacob holland

the great branch arthropoda includes a host of familiar animals.
elementary zoology, second edition vernon l. kellogg

the subkingdom of the arthropoda is again subdivided into six cl-sses.
the b-tterfly book william jacob holland

insects belong to that great group of animals designated by zoologists as the arthropoda.
taxidermy and zoological collecting william t. hornaday

these muscles are not striated, as they are in the arthropoda.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 5, slice 7 various


1870, modern latin, literally “those with jointed feet,” coined 1845 by german zoologist karl theodor ernst von siebold (1804-1885) from greek arthron “a joint” (see arthro-) + podos genitive of pous “foot” (see foot (n.)).

arthropoda ar·throp·o·da (är-thrŏp’ə-də)
a phylum of the metazoa that includes crustaceans, insects, arachnids, centipedes, millipedes, and horseshoe crabs.

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