a very excited and energetic way to describe the sheer magnitude of a situation
asodigh, i just got straight a’s!
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rtflyp (read the f-cking link you posted), is an initialism used similarly to the original term rtfm (read the f-cking manual), when one shares content superficially, based only on a brief -n-lysis of article t-tle and link url. mostly used in response to irresponsible sharing on social sites like facebook and twitter. did you even […]
- bag a muffin
when a female is so ugly that you have to put a bag over her head to have s-x. a v-g-n- is often termed a m-ffin. she is so ugly, i can’t get with her without a bag. she’s a bag a m-ffin! randy’s new girlfriend’s face is so messed up, she is a bag […]
- rube cube
(derrogatory.) a cubicle in which an entry-level it or clerical employee works, typically far from the break room and restroom and having no windows. the new employee did not take lightly the fact that her worksp-ce was refered to as a “rube cube” by the other employees.
- Ass Boots
1. one whose stupidy defies all estalished human boundaries. can’t you do anything right, you f-cking -ss boots?
- rub nuts
sarcastic way to tell someone you’ll pay them a compliment later we’ll rub nuts after you finish helping me move this furniture. well its when two people either rub their own nuts at the name time thinking of another person (so its like they are rubbing each others nuts)…or when two people rub their nuts […]