
historical examples

in this manner the good theefe pleaded and defended our cause, being a good patron to the silly virgin, and to me poore -sse.
the golden -sse lucius apuleius

he asked euery body that he met, if they sawe an -sse straye alone.
shakespeare jest-books; unknown

for he thoughte the saddell had be lefte of the -sse, as bones are of fleshe.
shakespeare jest-books; unknown

i have nothing, good lady, but empty bottles; says the -sse.
the life and opinions of tristram shandy, gentleman laurence sterne

the thirde daye abraham lyfte vp his eyes and sawe the place a farr of/ and sayde vnto his yong men: byde here with the -sse.
the first boke of moses called genesis william tyndale

to a bead-roll of learned men and lords, he appeals, whether he be an -sse or no?
calamities and quarrels of authors isaac disraeli

for what can be more acceptable than this -sse of gold indeed.
the golden -sse lucius apuleius

thus the good man, desyrynge to please euerye bodye, contentynge none at all, loste his -sse.
shakespeare jest-books; unknown

then happie was he that was an -sse, for nothing wyll kill an -sse but colde, and none dide but with extreame heate.
the unfortunate traveller, or the life of jack wilton thomas nash

but the old author is so enchanted with the “-sse” that he does not stay to notice this scurvy trick.
bible romances george w. foote

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