being an -sshat; -sshattery
thanks to my roommate’s -sshaberdashery i had to pay the whole rent by myself.
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- Assholeosis
a disease that can be fatal,but mostly it incites a verbal schooling or an -ss-kicking followed by humiliation(all of which can sometimes cure the inflicted.) symptoms include; generally being a d-ck,stealing candy form a baby,getting drunk and picking fights,etc… “look that guy just punched the dalai lama!!! he must have -ssholeosis”
- assole
definition of wrexham man nick the pr-ck from wrexham is the bigest -ssole i know
- assoplasty
-ssoplasty; surgically repair damage or injury to one’s -rs-. also performed to improve the appearance of one’s -ss with the use of implants (such as those used to bring the visual effects of a “ghetto booty” to someone with a small -ss or no -ss at all). she fell and tore her -ss on a […]
- Ass Pause
when people are laughing and having a good time then someone lets out a juicy stinky fart and it is so bad that every one is dead silent for a moment then an explosion of ewwwww and oh lord oh lord and i cant breath! or my leg! we were at the party last night […]
- ass pearls
a small willnott on one’s -ss, that has not been washed for a while;ie a vagrant. over time the ball mutates like sand in an oyster, into a brown pearl, looking like a glosette peanut. oh man that guy smells like cr-p, he’s probably got -ss pearls. 1 more definition add your own a small […]