
a poisonous crystalline alkaloid, c 17 h 23 no 3 , obtained from belladonna and other plants of the nightshade family, that prevents the response of various body structures to certain types of nerve stimulation: used chiefly to relieve spasms, to lessen secretions, and, topically, to dilate the pupil of the eye.
contemporary examples

victims were treated with atropine, which was somewhat successful in combatting the symptoms.
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historical examples

one contains no quinine at all—it is all morphine and atropine.
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atropine or curare have no influence on the heart thus poisoned.
poisons: their effects and detection alexander wynter blyth

this may be relieved by the hypodermic injection of atropine.
insomnia; and other disorders of sleep henry m. lyman

after the atropine no lymph-flow occurs on stimulating the nerve.
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the gold salt melts at 159°, and does not melt in boiling water like the atropine gold salt.
poisons: their effects and detection alexander wynter blyth

as for your betrothed, you shall give him a dose of curare or atropine.
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if to the heart thus slowed, or even when recently stopped, a minute quant-ty of atropine be applied, it begins to beat again.
poisons: their effects and detection alexander wynter blyth

atropin and atropine have been retained in both versions in this project.
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the percentage of gold left on a combustion of atropine gold chloride is 31·35 per cent.
poisons: their effects and detection alexander wynter blyth

a poisonous alkaloid obtained from deadly nightshade, having an inhibitory action on the autonomic nervous system. it is used medicinally in pre-anaesthetic medication, to speed a slow heart rate, and as an emergency first-aid counter to exposure to chemical warfare nerve agents. formula: c17h23no3

1836, from latin atropa “deadly nightshade” (from which the alkaloid poison is extracted), from greek atropos “inflexible,” also the name of one of the fates (see atropos) + chemical suffix -ine (2).

atropine at·ro·pine (āt’rə-pēn’, -pĭn) or at·ro·pin (-pĭn)
an alkaloid obtained from belladonna and related plants, used to dilate the pupils of the eyes and as an antispasmodic, antisudorific, and anticholinergic.
(āt’rə-pēn’, -pĭn)
a poisonous, bitter, crystalline alkaloid derived from deadly nightshade and related plants. it is used as a drug to dilate the pupils of the eye and to inhibit muscle spasms. chemical formula: c17h23no3.

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Disclaimer: Atropine definition / meaning should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. All content on this website is for informational purposes only.