
the recipient of an award.

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    the recipient of an award. contemporary examples at the event one of the awardees spoke of their goals in terms of “decades and generations.” the dubious successes of israel’s media watch elisheva goldberg september 10, 2013 but the prevailing emotion that day, even among us awardees, was a bemused sense of boredom, restlessness and insatiability. […]

  • Awarder

    to give as due or merited; -ssign or bestow: to award prizes. to bestow by judicial decree; -ssign or appoint by deliberate judgment, as in arbitration: the plaintiff was awarded damages of $100,000. something awarded, as a payment or medal. law. a decision after consideration; a judicial sentence. the decision of arbitrators on a matter […]

  • Awards

    to give as due or merited; -ssign or bestow: to award prizes. to bestow by judicial decree; -ssign or appoint by deliberate judgment, as in arbitration: the plaintiff was awarded damages of $100,000. something awarded, as a payment or medal. law. a decision after consideration; a judicial sentence. the decision of arbitrators on a matter […]

  • Awareness band

    noun a rubber, plastic, or fabric wristband on which an embossed slogan is written, often sold to raise awareness for charitable causes; also called awareness bracelet examples lance armstrong’s livestrong are the most popular awareness bands. word origin based on awareness ribbon

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    noun see awareness band

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