baby donkey

a larger than average p-n-s
what happened with you and browns mother last night?

we had a couple of drinks and then i hit her with the baby donkey
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    when you crush up a lil’ bag of opium sprinkle it on a chinese hooker’s tongue, then you get a rim job from her. “i gots all this opium dawg, do we smoke it ? ..nah foool, need to get that wuwei bidet for the real spiritual high” buy the domain for your foodie vlog

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    a fict-tious city somewhere in germany. is populated with persons of ill repute that have, for good reason, suffered some form of testicular injury delivered to them by another party. *player in sniper elite vol. 2 shoots an enemy npc in the t-st-cl-s, causing them to explode* player: “boom! i just gave you a first-cl-ss […]

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    f-ck your d-ck off that chic so crazy she will fydo you!

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