basement dweller
a male over the age of eightteen, usually with no formal education, who continues to live at home with his parent(s) and has no ambition to move out or contribute to society. his will to live is sucked by his daily marijuana regiment. he can be found working second shift at your local gas station. lives in a perpetual state of “getting his sh-t together.”
jonas picked up some sl-ts from the amoco and brought them back to his dad’s house. they thought he was such a bs-m-nt dweller.
(n. pl. bas-m-nt dwellers)
1. any one inhabitant of a subjugated or marginalized minority relegated to a bas-m-nt in respect to a bureaucracy and/or geographical location in an office environment.
despite oppression from contact with the outside world and natural-environmental elements (i.e. sun, fresh air), bas-m-nt dwellers often find unity amongst co-habitants and enjoy a jovial air. over-exposure to environment may cause hallucinations, excesive use of jargon and inappropriate behavior, and a tendecy to create fantasies or religous cults.
“must be a rough day for those bas-m-nt dwellers.”
a commonly-used phrase that describes the socially inep
that dude is a total bas-m-nt-dweller
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